
Back in your body


I just want to give you a special little moment… 


Take 30 seconds to acknowledge what an amazing human you are… You truly are! 


Now take another 30 and acknowledge how many amazingly awesome humans you are surrounded by


Close your eyes and I want you to feel all their warmth, kindness, support, generosity, belief, trust, joy and hope…. Especially love pouring out and beaming into you… filling up every nook that needs it inside you. 


Now in return I want you to gather up some of that love.. and send it out there generously and filling up some other nooks that need it. 


Now take another moment to connect and ground down into the earth.. 


where can you feel your connection?

It could be from your tailbone, could be from your cervix and could be from your feet.


Visualise that there is a sturdy string connecting from you all the way down into the core of the earth. Give your string a little tug from both ends to reinforce its strength and the understanding that you are one. 


Take a big deep belly breathe in and out 


Welcome!!! You have just arrived here and back in your body


Now more than ever it is so so so important for us to check in with ourselves… check on our adrenals and make it a priority to give a little TLC where needed…  because loves… You ARE important.. you matter.. we matter.. and with some good old mother earth grounded strength… we can do this! 


I have introduced you too the concept “back in your body” 


Nothing to fancy here… basically is as it sounds! Getting out of my head.. and back into body! 


Being in our body, operating from that place makes life less overwhelming. 


You are aligned to you.. you feel stable and all of your choices are made with clarity. 


This would be a great phrase scribble on a sticky note and place in the obvious places you will read it!!! Use as your little reminder 


“How can I get back into my body today?” 



“Level up your calm”


In my message with you this month I would love to share how we can level up our calm with essential oils.


Beautiful little extracts from mother nature.. gentle yet powerful and true plant gifts for us to use and reap the benefits. 


Yes… We can create calm with essential oils


All essential oils can help to promote relaxation and calmness.


When thinking about what oils can support us to feel grounded… I love to really capture what being in nature smells like. 


What does being in your nature smell like for you?


Turning to the leaf, root and bark oil kingdoms to mix and match together will create a real nature inspired aroma. Here in the land down under most of us would have a good old gum tree nearby.. leaning into a little eucalyptus will feel like home. 


Some of my favourite oils ground with are Frankincense, vetiver, cedarwood, black spruce, Siberian fir, and eucalyptus…. Even some lavender, magnolia and even coriander seed. 


If you have some essential oils and a diffuser… please use them… they don’t like collecting dust… those aromatic compounds want to be up your nose, calming your nervous system and supporting you mind and mood. 


 Supporting you to feel grounded and calm 


If you work at a desk.. if you don’t get outside much.. and if you are anyone who is tired and overwhelmed… so basically everybody!!! 


Turn your diffusers on.. roll some diluted essential oil into your wrists, neck and feet.. take a few drops in your hands and breathe those babies in. You wont regret it! 


With Love 




Ps…. My doTERRA babes…. When you start to yawn… Whip out your Balance


Roll a little into your wrists.. stick a bit of Balance and wild orange in the diffuser.. Voila!! 


Elsa’s Life Lessons


The SP Chakra