Elsa’s Life Lessons

Hello, Hey, Hi and Grand rising or Good evening depending on the time you’re reading this email. 


Before I start I would love to say that I have nothing profound to say here… Just some things close to my heart I would love to share with you. 

 Life throws us curveballs, roller coasters, the ups, the downs, the damn right confusing and everything in between.  “Such is life” It just is and apart of living. 


A wise old soul once told me that life is full of trials and tribulations, it is here to teach us and build character. 


What ever trials, rollercoasters, curveballs and hard times come your way… understand that it is about the lessons and all that character building. 


I would love to share with you my life lessons that are close to my heart and have held me together and supported me through.


Because lets be truthful here… life has always got more curveballs for us. You can call them roller coasters… what ever you like. One thing for sure there is always room for growth. 


Life lessons


             “You can never be locked down”

1.     Now this first one is special just on the topic of lockdown that I want to clear the air with straight away. You can NEVER be “locked down”. That is for you.. and you only to decide what can and can’t. Take some time to have a think about that lesson if you need. 



2.     “This too shall pass”

This one is a ripper! I have lost count on the amount of times I have leant into this. Understanding that “This too shall pass” What ever is happening now or however you feel right now …. WILL PASS. It will change and will not stay the same. It is just a season, we are just going through a season.. and just as the seasons change… so will this! Storms always pass and sun shines through, bunker down and all will be ok. Nothing stays the same for long. You might even learn to dance in the rain.



3.     “Life happens for you, not to you” 

The day I understood this my mind was blown!!! Probably one of the most empowering concepts I have come across yet. My poor ego was left sitting in the corner. All the things I grudged about, was frustrated with and felt victim too… could just simply no longer be. They had absolutely no place left in my circle. Life is happening for me all the time, it is a gift for me, my time and remembering I chose to be here. The “This isn’t fairs” quickly turned into “What is my lesson in this?” 



4.     “When life gives you lemons.. make lemonade”

Now we have all heard of this one and I bet I’ve had a couple of eye rolls. My beautiful mum taught me this on very early on in life. “Now Els, Make the most out of it”. What ever life throws at you.. make the most of it and do what you can. Please don’t get me wrong here.. I am not suggesting to distract away from the lemons… I do believe you have to taste the sour first to really appreciate the lemonade. But being handed situations  and turning them into your own version of lemonade can make the ride a little more enjoyable. 


5.     “Get clear on what is important”

This is a mini step by step process I go through when I am feeling overwhelmed or just all wrapped upped and bogged down.

What is important to me right here and right now?

What are the only things that really matter right here right now? 

As soon as a I ask myself.. I feel everything release and relax like a big powerful sigh. 

The only things that are important to me right here and right now are my people.

My loved ones are all safe and healthy and I am safe and healthy. Everything above that is a bonus. 


6.     “Be adaptable like a tree”

I take inspiration from many things in nature. If you have ever watched a big old gum tree sway in the wind.. even the galahs sitting in the branches sway away so calmly too. Nature and especially trees are so adaptable to their surroundings and environment. Whatever the weather the trees will bend and flex along with it. The life lesson I have learnt from this is during  windstorms, take inspiration from the trees.  With my roots planted deep,  I am grounded into me, my values and heart. Stand tall and strong and allow my branches and leaves to bend, flex and sway in the wind. Allowing adaptability, and being ok with it is key. It empowers us and gives us the gift of resiliency.  


7.     “We have the power to change our state of being”

This is a goodie! We have the power AND the choice at all times to BE the person we want to be. If you don’t like the way you feel, sound and act… if it isn’t truly like you… Then you CAN change it! Change your state of being. Nothing I mean nothing shifts depressive junk like movement.  This one I have heard from our beautiful Arnna… Nothing lowers cortisol like breath. How you do this and what works for you will be very different for everybody but moral of the story is if you don’t like how you feel.. then shift your state of being. Through breath, through movement, through sound and even smell (Wink wink essential oils) 

Even get some music on and dance ladies! 5 minutes for the whole house before everyone heads out the door for the day. Amazing what will shift.

8.     “Laughter is the best medicine”

If you don’t laugh you will cry.. and if you don’t cry you will laugh. Laughter is truly some of the worlds best medicine and always available to us. Make sure you have a good laugh everyday! Share and spread the laughter if you can.. you never know who may just need a good laugh. If your somebody like me.. who is hilariously silly at times.. then please take a little humour and giggle at yourself as you do the most embarrassing cringe worthy things. Living in the year 2021 and with social media at our fingertips… MEMES!!! Oh the memes! Forward those little bad boys on and share the laughter all around. 


9.     “Choose love always”

This is a very simple lesson but would have to be the one I love the most. Always choose love in every situation. Love IS the most powerful thing in existence. Love vibrates at an extremely high frequency, and in this magic place is where true healing happens.  This goes for all the emotions in the spectrum of love. Compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, kindness and the list goes on. Choose love always. Be kind. Have compassion for yourself and others. Forgive and release what is no longer needed. And BE GRATEFUL. Something we do in our house every morning and night is pick 1 thing we are grateful for today and tell each other.  I challenge you to try it for 7 days straight!


10.  “Commit to the best version of you”

What makes you the best version of you? What are the things you do for you.. that make you feel good, confident and calm? You know those things we all let slip.. especially in high stress times. Could be as simple as making sure you have drank enough water.. or a had a good night sleep. Commit to your special things!! Your future version of you will thank you for it. If it means making the school lunches the night before so you’re not so rushed in the morning. Allowing space in your day to meditate, move, prep food, do your beauty routine, read a book, have a nap, relax with a herbal tea, time in nature even just making the bed..… Whatever supports you to be the best version of you.. commit to it! It is a priority for you! 

