Aromatic Anchoring

The sky is the limit when it comes to how many different ways we can use our essential oils. Very subtle.. But yet very powerful. This practise is one of my favourite ways to set my intention and start my day.

 Essential oils can support our bodies physically, emotionally and energetically. 

 I would love to introduce you to a technique called “Anchoring” 

 More specific aromatic anchoring.

 The purpose of aromatic anchoring is to gain greater stability over your thoughts and emotions by properly anchoring or attaching them to certain aromas. Using these emotions positively and intentionally will allow you to be at your best every day. 

Through aromatic anchoring you can set your tone, choose your mood, choose your oil, create a positive memory all while you breathe. 

 I love to use aromatic anchoring to tap into the energy of what I want to create.. and who I want to be!! I love to use my oils to anchor me into and connect to the future version of myself… and manifest her into being!! 


How to Aromatic Anchor.


Think of a time when you felt awesome… or create an image of yourself that is exactly who you want to be. 


What does she look like? What does she sound like? How does she feel? And importantly what aromas come to mind? 


Take a moment to really connect to future you. 


Now to our essential oil box.. 


When you tapped into future you.. What aromas came up? What essential oils are standing out to you? What are your favourite oils that make you feel happy, strong, confident and beautiful? 


Start unscrewing the lids and smelling those oils. Your nose will be the guide and see where it leads you. Mix and match have a play! You will know when you know! 


Sometimes it smells so good you cant put it down… other times you will feel the feels.  No right nor wrong,  just what resonates for you is all that matters. 


Once you have picked 1 or 2 or 3 or even more oils.


You are ready to create your own special magic oily potion! 


Options are endless! You can create what ever you like! 

Diffuser blend, mister bottle blend, roller bottle blend, body oil, bath salts, shower scrubs ect ect 

 My only suggestion is find a way to use your blend that fits into your routine smoothly and easily so that you can commit to your anchoring practise. 

 My favourite way is the roller bottle way… Diluted safely and ready to use on the skin. Handbag friendly and I carry her with me where I go and she is there right ready to lean into when needed. 


Now that you have your special blend. 


When you feel triggered. When your inner critic is giving you a hard time. When you feel like your boundary line is a little wobbly. When your feeling indecisive. Feeling overwhelmed. Feeling confused. Or just in a funk…. Bring out your blend! 


Roll some into the palms of your hands, cup over nose, close eyes and 10 big deep belly breaths. As those oils are making their way through your sense of smell and deep into the nervous system. 


Connect to the future version of you. Tap into her energy


How does she feel? what does she have to say? And what action would she take? 


How can I bring a little of her magic to me TODAY? 


Commit to her and this practise daily… all the meditators out, this is like the cherry on top for your insight. 


Such a powerful practise and I wish you all the bliss as you unfold that magic within.  


The SP Chakra


Oh, Frank….